How to increase blog traffic for free (Social Media Hacks) |
Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter,
all these social sites, they can drive a ton of traffic.
But most of you have resulted in paying them for this traffic.
You can get traffic organically without having to pay for it, even if you don't have a ton of followers.
Hey everyone, and today I'm going to break down five underutilized social media hacks that'll get more traffic to your blog post.
The first tip I have for you is to use Instagram to promote your blog post.
Yes, a lot of people are using Instagram to promote products like teeth whitening, but no one's using Instagram to promote blog posts.
We've tested this out a lot. What we found is, when you post images and tell people to go to your bio and click when it's related to educational information that helps them out, people are very likely to do that.
If you tell people to go to your bio to go buy a product, probably not going to do that.
But if it's educational, blog post-related information, we found a ton of engagement on Instagram.
It's unorthodox, but it works. And the more followers you have, the more traffic you'll end up getting from this strategy over time.
And this leads me to my second tip.
My second tip is using Snapchat and Instagram Stories to generate more traffic to your blog.
Assuming you have over 10,000 followers on Instagram, you can do Stories, tell people to swipe up, right like if you ever follow Gary V.,
you always see you know icons or GIFs or images of him being like go up, swipe up, swipe up.
And people swipe up and they go listen to his podcast or his blog post or whatever he has.
It's a very effective strategy. Tim Sykes does something similar.
So, with your Instagram Stories or on Snapchat, tell people to swipe up to head over to your blog if they want freer amazing information.
High engagement, it's unorthodox, but trust me it works, just try it out.
The third tip I have for you is to leverage live video. So, there's Facebook Live,
there's Instagram Live.
When you're on these videos, you're going to get way more engagement.
If you don't believe me, just go on your Facebook and go post a link to any website.
It could be your website, it could be a blog post.
You'll find that no one's going to click on it. You're going to get very little likes, very little shares, very little engagement.
But if you did a live video on Facebook or YouTube or Instagram,
you get a ton more engagement.
So, when you do a live video and people are watching, you have hundreds or thousands of people watching, then you tell 'me to go to your website to click over, check out your blog post, learn from it, and even describe what they're going to learn, they're much more likely to do it.
They're super engaged when they go to your blog post. They're more likely to comment, share the post, and come back to your site in the future.
Which also brings me to my next tip, which is use videos to promote your blog post.
You can also upload videos to Facebook or YouTube.
Videos get way more engagement on Facebook and Instagram then let's say an image-based post or a text-based post.
So, when you create a video and you tell people, hey like I want to teach you
x, y, and z today, such as me teaching about social media, and then if I dropped in to say hey everyone, go check out this blog post or this URL here, you'll end up learning x, y, and z, and make sure you're using a shortened link.
but you can do a shortened link like using tools like Bigly and what you'll find is people who watch your videos will start going over to your site and it's much easier because it's your videos will get way more engagement than any text that you share. And last but not least, use Quora.
Quora's one of the most popular sites on the web mainly in the English language.
There’re questions on every single topic for every single industry, whether it's B2B, B2C.
Go on there, respond to people. When you respond to people with a paragraph or two, super in-depth, and you link to 'me to your blog post that goes more in-depth on that topic, you can generate a lotta traffic.
We used to do this all day long on Quora, and it generated us hundreds and thousands of views per month during our peak.
You know I ran out of time so I'm not able to do it these days, but I should get back to it.
One of the best content marketing strategies I've ever used.
So, make sure you do that.
If you have any questions or more so if you have any other cool, unique, organic hacks to get more traffic to your social media profiles and your blog, feel free and leave a comment below, share with the community.
I'll share more stuff with you.
How to increase blog traffic for free (Social Media Hacks)
Reviewed by Aziz
8:06 PM
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